Articles, testimonials & reviews, 2000 ~ today 

Go Your Own Way | Glenn & Qwen Roberts on the Island Interlude

 "Today’s ride will be on a road race course, and we’ll be riding in the opposite direction than the racing cars,” I said to Gwen.
“Wait, what do you mean? We’ll be riding toward the race cars? How does that make sense?” she responded with apprehension. Gwen’s cause for concern was valid. She has always been a bit averse to racetracks. However, closed-course racetracks are relatively safe for a...

Written by Glenn & Gwen Roberts Motorcyle Mojo, March 2025
Magazine Page

Beach's Classic Alpine Adventure | Tamela Rich rides the Alps

 Most motorcyclists dream of riding in the Alps: the roads, the views, the history, the food…but some of us should rethink the dream. If the thought of five hours in the saddle navigating series after series of turns, switchbacks, and off-camber hairpins puts a knot in your stomach, take heed. If you’re like me and relish the thrill and challenge of Alpine riding, ...

Written by Tamela Rich BMWRA On The Level, Nov/December 2022
Magazine Page

Alps The Easy Way | Bill Stermer on the Alpine Adventure West

 A motorcycle trip in Europe's Alps is likely on your bucket list, but such a trip is daunting. You'll have to arrange for a bike, book hotels and, possibly, convince others to share the experience with you. Finally, if anything goes wrong during your trip, who would you call? Well, traveling with a...

Written by Bill Stermer Rider, December 2018
Magazine Page

Italian Idyllic

 The sun hung low in the sky, a gentle breeze waved the wheat, and the only sounds were the crunch of my motorcycle boots on the pavement and the random chirping of the birds. Such a moment in time was indelibly linked...

Written by Alisa Clickenger MCNEWS September 2017
Alisa Clickenger on an R1200GS in Tuscany

Adventurous In Central Italy

 The tree-shaded road is cut into the side of a mountain, approaching a village that has been on the hilltop for a thousand years or more. An elderly man is walking his dog through the fallen leaves—it is October—and offers a minor salute as we pass. The asphalt gives way to cobblestones as the road narrows...

Written by Clement Salvadori RIDER January 2015
Sheep on the road

Alpine Adventure West

 The roads, most no wider than a cart path, wound their way through the forested side of the mountains and into the villages with regularity. Most of the time, the routes through the villages turned to cobblestone where the doors of the small farm houses and small shops opened directly onto the street. More often than not, the village had a freely flowing water fountain....

Written by Bill Edwards July 2015
Splügen Pass, the Swiss side

Italian Idyll with Beach’s Motorcycle Adventures

 Idyll: An extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque episode or scene. A description in verse of a picturesque or rustic life.

After a long winter of waiting we were getting ready to head to Italy, riding with Rob Beach and Beach’s Motorcycle Adventures. Still weeks away we were surprised when a big box appeared at Backroads Central containing two very snazzy duffel bags, emblazoned, not only with the Beach’s logo...

Written by Brian Rathjen BACKROADS, July, 2008
Cover, July 2008 Issue Backroads

The Italian Idyll Tour Review

 Five years ago, we read an article about a couple that traveled to Paris for their 35th wedding anniversary. We changed Paris to Italy, and the seed was planted. Fast forward 2 years, we re-entered the motorcycle community with a new BMW K1200LT. Being a member of BMWMOA (&GA) we learned of motorcycle adventures in, among other places, Italy. Early in 2007, we started making plans to go to Italy with a motorcycle. We decided on the Beach Motorcycle Tour...

Written by Bill & Susan Currier 2007
Bill & Susan Currier visiting Poppi Castle

2 Weeks, 2,000 Miles, 10,000 Curves

 It had been a long day over many glorious miles. Late in the afternoon half a dozen of us, admittedly a bit weary, were standing high on a mountainside overlooking a beautiful Alpine valley... with no sign of our destination. One of our number said, "Gee, I'd really like to be at the hotel about now, having a nice cold beer."

Our fearless leader, Rob Beach, looked at him, smiled and said, "In a few days you'll be home, and you’ll think back to this moment and wish you had spent more time riding your...

Written by Clement Salvadori RIDER Nov. 2006
A church is Switzerland

The Maori Meander

 In January of this year, my husband, Dave and I took a three-week motorcycle tour of New Zealand with Beach’s Motorcycle Adventures. We had such a fabulous time that we thought we’d share a few of the highlights and encourage you to make the trip, if you have the opportunity.

First, a bit about the Beach’s organization: they have been in the motorcycle touring business for over thirty years...

Written by Dave & Nancy Smith 2006

Beach's Classic Alpine Adventure | "The ride of a lifetime"

 I began my motorcycle riding life in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, nearly 35 years ago. I believe it is fair to say that I cut my motorcycling teeth on mountain passes, and in the ensuing years I managed to ride (I believe) every single paved pass in the Rockies at least once,...

Written by Fred Rau, November 2005
Roadsigns in Andermatt

The Great Escape


It was just before 7 o’clock in the morning, I was cold, the view was breathtaking, and I was having breakfast sitting on top of the Trollstigen, trying to contemplate where I was and what I was doing there. I couldn’t. Trollstigen, which roughly translates to The Path of the Trolls, is actually a road that cuts its way up through one of Norway’s most spectacular mountain passes. I was sitting...

Written by David Hessell ROADBIKE March 2003

The Perfect Country, The Perfect Tour

 We had stopped to take a few pictures in a small village with a beautiful town square. "Two meters," said Jorge Botto to his son as the statuesque blonde walked by with long, athletic strides. "Ah, si, al menos dos metros (Ah, yes, at least two meters)," replied his son wistfully. I had been hearing this chatter about "two meters" for five days from the Bottos father-and-son team from Guatemala, and it finally got the better of me. "What the hell are you guys talking about?" I asked. "What's with the two meters?” Their explanation was perfectly logical, based on their standards of beauty. If a...

Written by Beau Allen Pacheco CYCLE WORLD Travel & Adventure, 2002
Article leadin

Beach's Motorcycle Adventure

Much more than Motorcycles

Rob Beach, president of Beach’s Motorcycle Adventures, Ltd., really makes it easy for you to enjoy some of the best motorcycle riding in the world. His playground, the Alps, are unmatched as far as riding goes. True, there are other famous riding destinations. In fact, Rob can place you in Norway, New Zealand, or even on a new dual-sport ride from California to Las Vegas if you so wish, but the Alps hold a special place in motorcycle...

Written by David Hessell
Pragelpass, Switzerland

The Alpine Adventure

 Mountain Passes and Cultural and Sensory Overload

The little village of Arabba, Italy is nestled in a verdant valley surrounded by mountain passes that attract motorcyclists from all over the world. On this June day, the surrounding Dolomites still have snow can them and the hillsides are covered with vivid yellow dandelions and white flowers. From true vantage point...

Written by Donya Carlson RIDER February 2001
Riding a pass near Arabba, Italy

Motorcycle Tours de Force

 Big wheels, and the bikes they ride around the world

... But if it's heavy duty, bug in your teeth Alpine riding you care about, few companies can match Beach's Motorcycle Adventures Ltd. In the business for 30 years, Beach's based in upstate New York operates a few seasonal tours in places like New Zealand and Norway. However, the core of its business, and the furnace of its passion, is the endlessly winding, kinked, and corkscrewed asphalt of the Alps...

Written by Dan Neil ROBB REPORT Showcase June 2001

Tale of the South Pacific

 I'M GAZING OUT over two miles of deserted beach between headlands at the Tasman Sea at dawn. Behind me semi-tropical vegetation with sweeps of giant ferns and palm trees is backed by abrupt limestone cliffs that soar straight to the sky. Here it is, the end of the trip, and I don't want this to end. With most of these organized motorcycle tours I'm ready to go home after two weeks; I've had a great time and all that, but enough is enough, let's pack up and get on the plane. Not this time. Maybe New Zealand is too much...

Written by Clement Salvadori RIDER July 2000
Bungee Bridge, New Zealand

The Dual Sport Adventure

 Tour: Maori Meander - Dual Sport ride. Sponsored by Beach's Motorcycle Adventures and assisted by Te Waipounamu Tours of New Zealand. This was the first dual sport tour of the South Island and the first time that the three CCBR members listed below had taken an organized tour. The fourth rider, Jerry previously made a Beach's tour in Europe. A street only tour ran at the same time as the dual sport tour with one couple an...

Written by Karl Drowse Central Cal BMW Riders Newsletter, May 2000

The Trip Of A Lifetime

 They, you know, Lanette & Kenny, said that I couldn't go with them this time something about being frozen in the baggage compartment, what ever that is. So, God help us, Lanette is writing this. (My name is Winnie; I go with Kenny and Lanette in the RV. They usually let me write the stories.)

Many months and weeks of preparation went into this trip; this has been Kenny's dream trip for twenty years. We first made reservations with Beach Motorcycle Adventures Ltd., then airlines...

Written by Kenny Breault Granville Sentinel, Nov. 15, 2000

Advocating OMTs

 Of late in these pages you have been and will he reading about a lot of OMTs, or Organized Motorcycle Tours. So far this year Donya went to the Alps, Denis Rouse traveled through China, Mark was on the Mediterranean islands of Corsica and Sardinia, and I was way Down Under in New Zealand. You might think that this is all just fun, the editors having a good time, but for us it is work, hard work. Dirty, dangerous -- we'd all much rather be marching into the air-conditioned office with a clean white shirt and pressed slacks (jeans not allowed), but when you choose to become a motojournalist, you have to put up with the downside in order to keep the consumers properly informed. ...

Written by Clement Salvadori RIDER Oct. 2000

Who are Beach Tour Members? Ron Young

 He's a 50 something insurance agent whose interest in motorcycles has followed a pretty typical pattern: He rode in his 20s, sold his street bikes when he had a young family, and returned to the sport when the kids were all grown up and moved away from home.

It's how he returned to the sport that sets Ron Young apart.

When Young got on a motorcycle for the first time in 20 years he headed off for a three week tour of Europe. In the rain. And he's...

Written by Anne Van Beveren Free2Wheel July 1999
Ron Young